ID: G30433002209SBR
TERM: 09/08 – 03/10
Cultural Heritage Stories for Kids: Latin American Series features professional Hispanic storytellers sharing stories from an Hispanic cultural heritage perspective. The complete story library will include both traditional (e.g., history of the Mexican flag) and experiential (e.g., growing up biculturally) stories from various Hispanic cultures (e.g., Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, Cuban) in order to increase self-esteem and school engagement among Hispanic students, as well as promote an integrative, positive overall school climate. Phase I of this project addressed two specific aims:(1) Development of a curriculum prototype(i.e., Professional Manual (administrative guidelines, lesson scripts, activities), DVD featuring a Hispanic professional storyteller, parent handouts, and web resources and (2) Feasibility testing of the prototype product (i.e., detailed product evaluation by school professionals involved in curriculum adoption and focus groups with students in grades 3-5 and their parents). Based on Phase I findings,the prototype will be revised and expanded to include four additional Hispanic storytellers and all accompanying lesson scripts and materials and a randomized treatment-control research study examining changes in children’s academic, social-emotional, and behavioral functioning at school, as well as the overall school climate will be completed in Phase II.